Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Menopausal Hair Loss

Naturally, women lose a hair with age. When women reach menopause, this increase dramatically. It is considered normal to lose 100 hairs a day after we reach the age of 40 but who is going to be stopped, count them? When we begin to see our withdraws hairline or balding spot that is at the top of our head, this is called androgenic alopecia or a.

There are several factors for these changes to hair.

Hormonal fluctuations-this is a big one. All the women overcome menopausal estrogen levels will drop their, often become dominant testosterone causes a "male pattern hair loss. When a high level of testosterone or hair follicles become very sensitive to this hormone, the rate of hair loss exceeds the rate of growth of the hair.

Medication-certain medications to treat high blood pressure, heart disease, depression and drugs chemotherapy cancer can all be side effects of hair loss.

Diseases- thyroid disease is very common menopausal women and is one of the symptoms of thyroid hypo-on hair loss significantly.

Genetics-hair loss can be hereditary.

The traumatic events of stress- stress that certainly affects the condition of our hair and cause hair to fall.

Treatments- because new hair takes several months to develop you may want to first look back to see if there were any changes in your life during this time. Ask yourself these questions

Whether you are experiencing traumatic or stressful event?

Started all new medicine

Are you going through other simptomi?

You should consult an expert such as a dermatologist or endocrinologist, a thorough check to determine the cause of your hair. Diet may influence the quality of hair exactly as it affects the entire body. Increase your fruit and vegetables in your diet. You might need to add additives, vitamin and iron, but only after seeking the advice of a doctor.

Severe hair loss in women, hormonal treatment using a short-term alternative will help complete and healthy hair once again.

Although the hair is not life threatening condition, helps define who we are and affects our sense of ??????????. Explore all options to keep your hair looking for full.

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