Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

Solutions for menopause

Your best friend just curse by Black cohosh and Chaste, your doctor has recommended alternative hormone therapy, your husband brings new books every day "to cope with menopause" and your mother is a specification to its experiences of sweating it. ..

But you'll find it comforting?

Every woman has experience menopause, a life where it is modified, physically and mentally. There is a general feeling of discomfort, but you don't have to suffer from menopausal symptoms without relief. You can stop right menopausal symptoms bamslol.

When a woman were periods for twelve months after the last period, it is considered very stage. Essentially, when a woman's body moves from the fertile to infertile, she entered the phase of menopause, perimenopause, this phase is called or pre-menopause. This step is not life-threatening, but it is certainly a worthwhile cause misery, treating some. Here are the most recommended ??????? women ways you can stop the suffering of menopause, hot flushes and relief, vaginal itching, weight loss, low sexual desire a little leak.

Hot flushes

Suppose your body experiences a sudden heat wave, within seconds it is published start sweating. While the sounds silly, you may feel like spreading off your clothes, find exciting place to sit, even if it happens in the middle of the Siberian Winter. If you have ever passed this scenario, you are probably dealing with a phenomenon called hot flushes. Hot flushes due to a decrease in overarching reason are estrogen that affect the hypothalamus gland that helps regulate-the body temperature. The best solution of menopause is of wearing loose clothing, quit smoking and exercise regularly.

Vaginal itching

The ease of the vagina is one of the symptoms that come along with menopause lmtrid. When you start age, your vagina's natural ????? slows down. In addition, the vaginal wall thinning becomes less elastic begins, drying. The condition is called dypareunia and explains all the pain and bleeding during intercourse. Another problem associated with is the vagina becomes vulnerable to injury because get ????????? easily tissue can cause bacterial infection. The solution is to avoid intercourse coarse menopause and use good-quality vaginal lubricant.


These little leaks, particularly when you cough or sneeze become embarrassing, menopausal and becomes worse. This happens because as we age, our pelvic muscles weaken. At the same time creates lower estrogen accelerates problem by thinning of the row of the urethra. Solution menopause it should shed excess weight by using as this significantly reduces the pressure at which the stomach has imposed on the bladder.

Low sexual desire

Aging menopause are two processes that contribute to female sexual functioning. Factors such as mood swings, hot flushes, weight loss, insomnia can make you feel like a stranger in the body of your own. This combination of emotions affect you, and the interest in sex dwindles. For this reason, you need to feel better physically improve your libido. You can plug-ins, vitamin e, add soy drink lots of water, dietary fiber per day.

Treatment of yourself before the symptoms of menopause will influence the future. Don't let your health.

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